All the features your food delivery business needs
Use search filters
Apply advanced filters like price range, dietary, and delivery type to find the preferred restaurant.
Track order
Track the order status in real-time, including preparation status, order location, estimated delivery time, etc.
Use preferred payment methods
Pay with the preferred payment method from choices like cash, credit/debit card, and in-app wallet.
Select preferred language
Select the preferred app language from options like English, Spanish, French, Arabic, and more.
Save order locations
Save the frequently used order locations like home or work to quickly add location while placing orders.
Get promo codes
Apply the promo codes to get special discounts in the order total, if the promo codes are available.
Rate the order
Add an emoji rating for the restaurants based on the quality of the food and packaging.
Tip the delivery partner
Tip the delivery partner based on the delivery experience after the delivery is completed.
Get takeaway
Select the 'Takeaway' option to get the order from the restaurant in person, without involving a delivery partner.
Get push notifications
Access push notifications on all status updates, from restaurant acceptance to delivery.
Place multiple orders
Place multiple orders from various restaurants at once to enjoy a variety of dishes and save time.
Select delivery options
Select the preferred delivery option from 'Meet at door', 'Leave at door', and 'Pick up outside.'
Add order notes
Add specific instructions for the restaurants so they can prepare the order accordingly.
Get add-ons
Select from the add-on options offered with the menu item to get extra items with your order.
Set availability status
Set the availability status using the availability toggle and receive delivery requests only when online.
Add multiple payout methods
Add multiple payout accounts and set one as the default account to receive payouts from the admin.
View earnings reports
Access the weekly and overall earnings reports with breakdowns of total deliveries made and tips.
View all delivery requests
View all current and previous order details, including eater, restaurant, items, earnings, and more.
Add vehicle details
Add and access the delivery vehicle information, such as the vehicle name, number, and type.
Submit documents
Upload documents to get the admin's approval and access the documents from the profile page.
Select preferred language
Select the preferred language to access the app from options like English, Spanish, French, and more.
Rate the eater
Add an emoji rating for the eater based on the delivery experience after completing the delivery.
Manage profile
Edit the profile details, such as the profile image, first name, last name, and app password, as needed.
Access navigation option
Use the navigation option to open the device's map app and navigate to order locations.
View dashboard
Access a quick overview of the count of orders received and earnings made along with the order history graph.
Add payout accounts
Add multiple bank accounts and set one as the default payout account to receive payouts from the admin.
Set restaurant availability
Set the restaurant's availability using the availability toggle and receive orders only when online.
Manage order
Manage all orders' statuses and view their details like the eater, items, order instructions, earnings, etc.
Set up operating hours
Set the operating hours for each day of the week, either as 24 hours or specific opening and closing times.
Set up preparation time
Set estimated preparation times for orders and customize them for specific days and hours, if needed.
Select preferred language
Access the panel in the preferred language from options, including English, Spanish, French, and more.
View transaction details
View all completed and future transaction details, including order details, subtotals, earnings, etc.
Set up modifier groups
Create groups of add-on options for the menu items, which can be general or specific to certain dishes.
Print order receipts
Access the option to print order receipts in all current and completed orders to have a physical copy.
Access RTL layout for Arabic
Access the restaurant panel with a right-to-left (RTL) layout when Arabic is selected as the panel language.
Manage cuisine
Add the variety of cuisines your platform offers and manage the cuisines' details and availability.
Manage eaters
View all eater's information and manage their details, ban them from the platform, or delete them if needed.
Manage restaurant
View and manage all restaurant details and documents, approve their status, and delete them.
Manage delivery partners
Access all delivery partner information, edit their details & status, and ban or delete their profiles.
Manage service fee
Select between a flat or distance-based method and set up a service fee for all the users.
Manage payment methods
Manage the availability of all payment methods, which include cash, debit/credit card, and wallet.
Set up promo codes
Create promo codes for eaters to avail discounts and manage the details and status of these promo codes.
Send push notifications
Send push notifications to the eater and delivery partners to alert them of any updates or other information.
Manage order payouts
Access all auto-processed payouts' details and hold restaurant and delivery partner payouts if necessary.
Add admin for help
Add sub-admin users and assign them certain roles to help you manage the admin responsibilities.
View earnings report
Access admin earnings details for all orders, including order status, payment, order amount, and earnings.