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How to Choose the Best Uber Clone?

Published: Jan 8, 2025

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There are several Uber clone solutions in the market and identifying the best one, before many, is hard.

However, you are not helpless.

This guide has several checklists to help you choose the best Uber clone for your taxi business.

1. Check whether it is 100% customizable

100% customization means you can customize the Uber clone, without limits.

Some providers may encrypt the source, which restricts the customization possibility.

When selecting the Uber clone, check whether they offer 100% source code.

2. Does their UI & UX look good?

Have you come across a platform that comes with a poor UI & UX? You probably judge them right away and leave.

Don’t give the same experience to your users.

  • What do you have to look for?
  • Smooth navigation
  • Simple booking procedures
  • Easy payment options

3. Secure payment gateway

The best payment gateway ensures that each transaction takes place safely and securely. It acts as an intermediary between your app and the bank.

Get to know about the payment gateway integrated into the solution.

Some of the suggested providers are Stripe, PayPal, Amazon Pay, and so on.

4. Access their demo

This is what you should do first.

While accessing the demo, you can experience the design, workflow, and features they have implemented.

Besides, you can cross-examine whether they are fulfilling what they claimed on their product pages.

5. Features - do they have all?

Features are everything. It makes or breaks the platform.

The features like real-time tracking and navigation are the core features that help riders and drivers to track real-time location.

The features don’t stop here. It goes beyond the basic features.

Compare each Uber clone and choose the one that encompasses all the necessary features to run your taxi business.

6. Portfolio

Examine the list of completed projects and how well it was done by them. That's says all.

Some brands may showcase projects on their site, where you can access them.

If you can’t find their portfolios, they may be hesitant or not be transparent with you.

End note

Finding the best Uber clone is not “that hard” if you are clear about your want.

I hope this checklist helps you to understand the important factors that impact your decision-making process.

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